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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

And when our punishment overtook them they had nothing to say except crying out, we have indeed been sinners..Surah Al Aaraf#Ayat5@the holy Quran

They carry your burdens to lands So distant you could not have reached without much hardship indeed your Lord is compassionate and kind..Surah Al Nahl #Ayat7@the holy Quran

O you people, the promise of God is true, So do not let the life of this world delude you,nor let that (arch) deceiver deceive you about God..Surah Al fatir#Ayat5@the holy Quran

He will sip it yet will not be able to gulp it down, death will crowd in upon him from every side, but die will not,A terrible torment trails him..Surah Al Ibrahim#Ayat17@ the holy Quran

They said, glory to you (,O lord) knowledge we have none except what you have given as, for you are all- knowing and All-wise..Surah Al baqarah#Ayat32@the holy Quran

Do they say,(of the prophet) he has forged (The Quran),Say,"then bring ten surahs like it, and call anyone except God to help you,if what you say is true..Surah Al HUD#Ayat13#the holy Quran

The unbelievers would haply like to which that they has submitted (and become Muslim..Surah Al hijr#Ayay2@the holy Quran

She told his sister, follow up him,So she kept an eye on him from a distance, unbeknown to them..Surah Al qasas#Ayat11@the holy Quran

Do not heed a contemptible swearer Or backbiter calumniator slanderer who hinders men from (doing ) good ,the transgressor the iniquities..Surah Al qalam#Ayat 10,11,12@the holy Quran

If God sends you harm , there is no one but he who can take it away, and if he bring you good, surely he has power over everything..Surah Al Anam#Ayat17@the holy Quran

Their invocation will be, All glory to you,O God and peace will be their salutation, and the end of their prayer (will be) All praise be to God the Lord of all the worlds.. Surah Al yunus#Ayat10@the holy Quran

And do not wed the woman your fathers had wed.what happened in the past is now past. It was lewd and abhorrent, and only the way of evil..Surah Al Nisa#Ayat 22@ the holy Quran

When asked to desist from spreading corruption in the land they say,why, we are reformers,yet they are surely mischief mongers, even though they do not know..Surah Al baqarah#Ayat 11@the holy Quran

The day you see it every suckling female will forget her suckling, and every pregnant female will discharge her Burden, you will see men drunk yet it it will not be intoxication, the torment of God will severe..Surah Al hajj#ayat2@the holy Quran

The ipress upon you that they have submitted. Tell them,do not favour me with your fact God has favoured you by showing you the way to belief,if you are men of truth..Surah Al hujurat#Ayat17#the holy Quran

You have been conveyed the Quran from one All-wise and All-knowing... Surah Al Naml#Ayat6@the holy Quran

Before him is hell, and he will get putrid liquid to drink. Surah Al Ibrahim#Ayat 16@the holy Quran

Yet no sign of their Lord comes to them but they turn away from it.. Surah Al Anam#Ayat4@the holy Quran

There are the verse of the scripture.whatsoever is sent down to you from your lord is the truth, but most Men do not believe..Surah Al Rad#ayat 1@the holy Quran

Assalumalikum we should be spreading the tolerance among all the society so that we might strong and healthy in the world

The day their tongues and hands and feet bear witness to what they had done..Surah Al Nur@verse 24@the holy Quran

But if the shirt is torn from behind then she is a liar, and speaks the truth..Surah Al Yusuf #verse 27@the holy Quran

(proclaiming) that you should worship none but God. verily i bring to you from him a message of warning and rejoicing..Surah Al hud#Ayat 2@the holy Quran

Give to woman their dowers willingly but if they forego part of it themselves,then use it to your advantage..Surah Al Nisa#Verse4@the holy Quran

It is he who prevails over his creatures and,he is all -wise and aware..Surah al anam#Ayat 18@the holy quran

Do not hold Man in contempt, and do not walk with hauteur on the earth, verily god does not like the proud and boastful..Surah Al luqman#Ayat18@the holy Quran

We have placed the signs of the zodiac in the sky,and decked it out for those who can see..Surah Al hijr#Ayat 16@the holy Quran

And Moses said, what if you and all the people of the world deny, God is unconcerned and worthy of praise...Surah Al Ibrahim#Ayat 8#the holy Quran

Narrated IBN'UMAR, Allah's apostle said, whoever drinks alcoholic drinks in the world and does not repent ( before dying), will be deprived of it in the hereafter..The book of Sahih bukhari#5575

Narrated Abu huraira, the prophet said, whoever performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after hajj Free from all sins)as if he were born anew..The book of Sahih bukhari#1521

Narrated Asma, the prophet said, to me do not withhold your money,(for if you did so) Allah would withhold his blessings from you..The book of Sahih bukhari#1433

Narrated Abu huraira, Allah's apostle said,one prayer in my mosque is better than one thousand prayers in any other mosque excepting al-masjid-al haram..The book 📚 of Sahih bukhari#1190

Narrated Abu huraira, Allah's apostle said,if I had not found it hard for my followers or the people,i would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak for every prayer.. the book of sahih bukhari #887

Narrated Abu huraira, i heard Allah's apostle saying, the swearing ( by the seller)may persuade the buyer to purchase the goods but that will be deprived of Allah's blessings.. the book of sahih bukhari#2087