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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

Narrated Samurah IBN jundub (Ra) the apostle of Allah used to order us to pay the Sadaqah (zakat) on what we prepared for trade..Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 1558

Aisha (Ra) said, the massenger of Allah would offer the zuhr prayer while the sunlight was present in her apartment before it ascended (the walls)..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 406

Narrated uthman IBN abul as, the prophet commanded him to build a mosque at taif where the idols were placed..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 447

Narrated Aisha (Ra) the apostle of Allah used to remember Allah, the great and majestic at all moments..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 18

Narrated Zayd Bin Arqam ( Ra,) the apostle of Allah said, there privies are frequented by the jinns and devil's,So when anyone amongst you goes there, he should say,i seek refuge in Allah from male and female devil's..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 6

Narrated Abu baker as -siddiq (Ra) the prophet said, he who asks pardon is not a confirmed sinner even if he returns to his sin seventy times a day. Sunan Abu Dawood.Hadith No. 1510

Narrated anas IBN Malik,i saw the messenger of Allah supplicating Allah in this manner with the palms of his hands and also with their backs upwards..Sunan Abu Dawood.Hadith No. 1483

Aisha (Ra) said, the messenger of Allah liked comprehensive supplication and abandoned other kinds..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No.1478

Narrated Aisha (Ra) the apostle of Allah used to remember Allah the great and majestic, ,at all moments..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No.18

Narrated Jabir IBN Abdullah (Ra)when the prophet felt the need of relieving himself.he went far off where No one see him..Sunan Abu Dawood #Hadith No. 2

Abu Said Al khudri (Ra) Reported that the apostle of Allah as saying No Sadaqah(zakat) is payable on less than five camels,on less than five ounces of silver and on less than five camel loads (wasq) Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 1554

Abu huraira reported the prophet as saying,if any one pursues a path in search of knowledge, Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise, and he who is made slow by his actions will not be speeded be his genealogy..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No.250

Narrated Abdullah IBN abbas (Ra) the prophet , abominated the combination of paternal And maternal aunts and the combination of two maternal aunts and two paternal aunts is marriage...Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No.302

Narrated Abu Musa, the prophet said, there is no marriage without the permission of a guardian..Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith302

Abu huraira reported the prophet as saying, woman May be married for four reasons for her property her ranks and her beauty and her religiosity,So get the one who is religious and prosper (lit May your hands cleave to the dust. Sunan Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 283

They only know the palpable Life of this world and are oblivious of the hereafter..Surah Al Rum#Ayat7#the holy Quran

And made sleep for you to rest.the night a covering.and the day for seeking livelihood..Surah Al Naba#Ayat9,10,11#the holy Quran

They have appointed equals of God to mislead people from his path. Tell them, enjoy your selves (so long as you may) in the end you have to go to hell..Surah Al Ibrahim#Ayat30@tje holy Quran

His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all things will go back to him..Surah Al hadid#Ayat5#the holy Quran

Near has come the reckoning for men,but they turn away in remissness..Surah Al Anbiya#Ayat1@the holy Quran

But those who believe and do things good, and are humble before their lord are men of Paradise where they will abide forever..Surah Al hud #Ayat23@the holy Quran

O you people, fear you lord, the great upheaval of the hour will indeed be terrible..Surah Al Hajj

As for those who do not believe in the hereafter, we have prepared a painful punishment..Surah Al khaf#Ayat10@the holy Quran