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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

But among men are also those who spread frivolous stories to mislead/ others/ from the way of God, without any knowledge, and take it lightly for such as these the nemesis will be shameful..Surah Al luqman%,Ayat 6%the holy Quran

The revelation of this book 📚 Free of doubt and involution is from the Lord of all the worlds..Surah Al Sajdah#Ayat2#the holy Quran

Then their excuse will be but to say,by God our Lord, we were not idolaters,..Surah Al Anam#Ayat23#the holy Quran

Commemorate the beneficence of your lord on Zachariah His devotee when he called to his lord in wardly.. Surah Al Maryam#Ayat2,3#the holy Quran

Round each man,s neck we have hung His ledger of deeds and on the day of resurrection will present it as a look spread out (and say)..Surah Al kahf#Ayat 13#the holy Quran

Follow those who do not ask for any recompense of you, and are righty guided..Surah Al Yasin#ayat21#the holy Quran

As for those who try to subvert our signs there is a punishment of painful torment.. Surah Al saba#Ayat5#the holy Quran

The avarice of plenitude keeps you occupied,till you reach the grave, you have indeed to behold hell..Surah Al takathur#Ayat1,2,6#the holy Quran

Does he think his wealth will abide for ever with him,who amasses wealth and hordes it,woe to every slanderer,back-biter..Surah Al humazah#ayat1,2,3#the holy Quran

I call to witness the fig and the olive, the mount Sinai, and this soil secure, that we created man of finest possibilities..Surah Al Tin #Ayat1,2,3#the holy Quran

Do not confuse truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth knowingly..Surah Al baqarah #Ayat42#the holy Quran

Whosoever is in the heavens and on Earth bows to God in submission with a will or perforce,as do their shadows in the morning and evening..Surah Al Rad#Ayat15#the holy Quran

For those who do good there is goodness and more, and no blot or disgrace will cover their faces they are people of Paradise where they will abide for ever.. Surah Al yunus#Ayat26the holy Quran

Whatsoever dwells in the night and day belong to him, he is all -hearing and all knowing..Surah Al anam#Ayat13@the holy Quran

And they sold him as worthlessness for a few paltry dirham..Surah Al Yusuf#Ayat no.20#the holy Quran

Aisha (Ra) reported the messenger of Allah would say the fajr prayer after which the woman would depart wrapped up their woolen garments being unrecognisable because of the darkness before dawn..Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 423

Tell me,O fellow prisoners ,are a number of gods better,or one God omnipotent.. the Holy Quran#Surah Al Yusuf#Ayat no.39

Narrated Abu Dharr, the prophet said, the best of the actions is to love for the sake of Allah ❤️ and to hate for the sake of Allah..Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 1195

Narrated Abu huraira, the prophet said,, controverting about the Quran is disbelief..Abu Dawood#hadith No. 1199

Narrated Abu huraira, the prophet said, Anyone who incites a woman against her husband or a slave against his master is not of us..Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 411

Narrated Muharib the prophet said, Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to him than divorce..Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 413

Narrated umm Salamah ,ummul muminin (Ra) . the prophet said, the Mahdi will be of my family of the descendants of fatimah,.Abu Dawood#Hadith No. 891