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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

Narrated by Abu qilaba,Ans said,Bilal was ordered to pronounce the wording of adhan twice and of iqama once only,.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.5#the book call for prayer

Narrated by ibn Umar, the prophet made a deal with the people of khaibar that they would have kalf the fruits and vegetation of the land they cultivated.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.10#the book of agriculture

Narrated by ibn Umar, the prophet made a deal with the prophet of khaibar that they would have kalf the fruits and vegetation of the land they cultivated.. Sahih bukhari%Hadith no10%the book of agriculture

Narrated by jafar bin Amir bin Umaiya ad- Damri,my father said,i saw the prophet passing wet hands over his khuffs.. Sahih bukhari،Hadith no.69%the book of Ablutions

Narrated by jabir,i went to the prophet (pbuh) in the mosque and he paid me my right and gave me more than he owned me.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.37#the book of gifts

Narrated by Aisha,i said ,O Allah apostle,i have two neighbour ,which of them should i give a gift to?, the prophet said,(give) to the one whose door is nearer to you.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.29#the book of gifts

Narrated by Sa'd bin abi waqqas, allah, apostle said, you will be rewarded for whatever you spend for allah, sake even if it were a morsel which you put in your wife,s mouth.. Sahih bukhari,#Hadith no.49#the book of belief

Narrated by Abdullah,allah,s apostle said,anyone who dies worshipping other along with Allah will definitely enter the fire,i said, anyone who dies worshipping none along with Allah will definitely enter paradise.. Sahih bukhari%Hadith no.2%the book of funerals

Narrated by Abu huraira, the prophet said,(religious) knowledge will be taken away ignorance and afflictions will appear, and herj will increase,it was asked, what is herj,O Allah's apostle,he replied by beckoning with his hand indicating killing.. Sahih bukhari #Hadith no.27#the book 📚 of knowledge

Narrated by Abu huraira, Allah apostle said, procrastination (delay) in repaping debts a wealthy person in injustice.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.15#the book of loans

Narrated by Zaid Bin Khalid and Abu huraira, the prophet said,O unais ,Go to the wife of this (man) and if she confesses (that she has committed illegal sexual intercourse) then stone her to death.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.14#the book 📚 of Representation

Narrated by Anas,Bilal was ordered to repeat the wording of the Adhan for prayer twice, and to pronounce the wording of the iqamas once except,qad- qamat -is- salat.. Sahih bukhari#hadith no.3#the book of call prayer

Narrated by Abu huraira, the prophet said, when a man sits in between the four parts of a woman and did the sexual intercourse with her, bath becomes compulsory.. Sahih bukhari #Hadith no.44#the book 📚 of bathing

Narrated by IBN Mas'ud, the prophet used to take care of us in preaching by selecting a suitable time,so that we might not get bored.. Sahih bukhari%Hadith no.10%the book 📚 of knowledge

Narrated by Aisha, the prophet used to lean on my lap and recite periods Quran while i was in menses.. Sahih bukhari%Hadith no.4%the book 📚 of menses

During the menses,he used to order me to put on an izar/dress worn below the waist/and used to fondle me.. Sahih bukhari%Hadith No.7% the book of knowledge

Such in God Creation,show me now what those/they worship/beside him have created. Surely the evil-doers are in clear error..Surah Al luqman%Ayat11%the holy Quran