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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

Narrated by Abu huraira, the prophet Said,one of the rights of a she camel is that it should be milked at a place of water. Sahih bukhari@Hadith no..26@ the book of distribution of water

Narrated by ibne Masud, the prophet used to take care of is preaching be selecting a suitable time,so that we might not get bored. Sahih Bukhari@ Hadith no.20@ the book 📚 of knowledege

Only they will respond who can for the dead, raised they will be God,then to him they will be returned..Surah al anam#Ayat no 36@the holy quran

Narrated by Abu huraira, the prophet prohibited the earnings of slave girls (through prostitution.. Sahih bukhari#hadith no.22@ the book 📚 of hiring of renting

Narrated by anas,bilal was ordered to repeat the wording of the adhan for prayers twice, and to prounce the wording of the iqamas once except qad-qamat- is -salat.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.3@the book 📚 call for prayers

Their lord announces to them news of his mercy acceptance, and gardens of lasting bliss.. Surah Al tawbah #Ayat no.20@ the holy quran

Narrated by Abu huraira, the prophet Said, the best charity is that which is practiced by wealthy person.and start giving first to your dependents.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.32#the book of zakat

Of all things there are we have the stores, and send them down in determined measure..Surah al hijr#Ayat no 21@ the holy quran

Except those who do some wrong but after wards do good to make up for the wrong.and i am forgiving and merciful..Surah Al naml#ayat no. 11@the holy quran

Narrated by Abu huraira,allah,s apostle said,if i had not found it hard for my followers or the people,i would have ordered them to clean their teeth with siwak for every prayer.. Sahih bukhari@Hadith no.12#the book 📚 of friday prayer

Whosoever is the heavens and on earth 🌎 bows to God in submission with a will or perforce,as do their shadows in the morning and evening..surah Al Rud#ayat no.15#the holy quran

Narrated by ibne umar،, allah,s apostle has made sadaqat-ul fitr obligatory either one sa'of barley or one sa'of dates on young and old people, and on free men as well as on slaves.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no. 115@the book of zakat

Narrated by Aisha,allah,s apostle called the salamander a bad animal but i did not hear him ordering it to be killed.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.9@the book 📚 of pilgrimage hunting penalty

Narrated by aisha,i said O allah,s apostle,we consider jihad as the best deed, the prophet Said, the best jihad/for woman/is hajj mabrur.. Sahih bukhari%Hadith no. 8%the book of pilgrimage

Narrated by jabir bin Abdullah, the prophet used to pour water three times on his head.. Sahih bukhari،،Hadith no.8%the book of bathing

Narrated by ibne umar, allah,s apostle said,islam is based on five principles to testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is allah,s offer the prayers dutifully and perfectly, to pay the zakat to perform hajj.To observe fast during the month of Ramadan.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.1@the book of belief

Narrated by jarir bin Abdullah, I gave the pledge of allegiance to the prophet for offering prayer perfectly giving zakat and giving good advice to every Muslim..Sahih bukhari #Hadith no.7#the book of zakat

Narrated by nafi ,Abdullah bin Umar said,Allah,s apostle made his camel sit Al-batha in Dhul-hulaifa and offered the prayer. Abdullah bin Umar to do the same.. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.17#the book of pilgrimage

Narrated by Abu huraira, the prophet was asked،which is the best deed,He said, to believe in Allah and his apostle.he was then asked,which is the next (in goodness)He said, to participate in jihad in allah cause,he was then asked,which is the next,He said,, to perform hajj-Mabrur..Sahih bukhari#Book of pilgrimage#hadith no.7

Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar, Allah apostle used to offer the prayer of id-ul Adha and id-ul fitr and then deliver the khutba after the prayer.Sahih bukhari#the book of festivals#Hadith no.10