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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

It was narrated from Amrah that aisha,said the messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said to me, what becomes unlawful through breast feeding is that which becomes unlawful through birth.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.2#the book 📚 of breastfeeding

It was narrated from jabir that a woman from banu makhzum stole and she was brought to the prophet (s.a.w).she sought refuge with umm salamah the wife of the prophet Muhammad.but the prophet Muhammad said,if Fatima were to steal i would cut off her hand, and her hand was cut off.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.7#the book 📚 of legel punishment

Jabir said,i heard the prophet Muhammad say,if one of you likes a woman and feels attracted to her,let him go to his wife and have intercourse with her, for that will repel what is in his heart.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.8#the book 📚 of marriage

It was narrated from Abu huraira, that the prophet Muhammad said,one prayer in this masjid of mine is better than a thousand prayers anywhere els,except Al-masjid al-haram.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.325#the book 📚 of haj

It was narrated from Abu huraira, that the prophet (s.a.w) said, Allah may he be blessed and exalted,says,O son of adam spend , and i shall spend on you, and he said, the right hand of Allah is full and overflowing.and nothing of that diminishes due to the night and day.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.31#the book 📚 of zakat

It was narrated from abu huraira, that the messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, the five daily prayers , from one jumu'ah to the next are an expiation for what over (sins)come in between,so long as one does not commit major suns,. Sahih bukhari#Hadith no.15#the book 📚 of purification

O moses ,i am that God, the mighty and all-wise..Surah al namel#Ayat no.9#the holy quran

It was narrated that ibn abbas said, Allah enjoyed the prayer on the tongue of your prophet (s.a.w) four (Rakah) while a resident, two Rak'ah when travelling, and one Rak'ah during times of fear.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.4#the book 📚 of Salat of travellers

Al-bara said, we prayed with the messenger of Allah (s.a.w)facing towards bait al-maqdis for sixteen months or seventeen months, then we turned to face the Kaba.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no .10#the book 📚 of masjid and place

Abu huraira used to say, the messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said,On the day of Resurrection Allah, blessed and exalted is he, will roll up the heavens in his right hand,then he will say,i am the sovereign where are the kings of the earth 🌍.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.21#the book 📖 of attributes of hypocrites..

It was narrated from anas that the messenger of Allah (s.a.w)said,when one of you calls upon Allah,let him be from in his supplication ,and not say,O allah if you will then give me.for no one compel Allah... Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.6#the book 📚 of supplication forgiveness

God will pay them on that their just due in full, and they will to know that is the tangible reality..Surah al Nur%ayat no.25%the holy quran

Announce the pilgrimage to the people.they will come to you on foot and riding along distant roads on lean and slender beasts..Surah al hajj%ayat .no.27%the holy quran

It was narrated that abu waqid -al -laithi said, umar asked me what the prophet Muhammad recited on the day of I'd.i said, the hour has drawn near, and surah Al qaf by the glorious quran.,. Hadith no.14%sahih Muslim%the book 📚 of two id prayers

It was narrated from ibn umar that the prophet Muhammad abu baker and umar used to offer the I'd prayers before the khutbah.. Sahih Muslim.% Hadith no.7%the book 📚 of two two Eid prayer

Alike are not the imates of hell and the residents of paradise the men of paradise will be felicitous...Surah Al hashr#ayat no 20#the holy quran

It was narrated that shadded bin aws said,there are two things that memorized from the messenger of Allah (s.a.w).He (s.a.w) said, Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things so if you kill , kill well , and if you slaughter, slaughter well,let one of you sharpen his blade and spare suffering to the animal he slaughters.... Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.42#the book 📚 of hunting and slaughtering

It was narrated that ibn abbas,said, the Muhammad (s.a.w) for bade eating every wild animal with fangs and every bird 🐦 with talons .. Sahih muslim#Hadith no.13#the book 📚 of hunting and slaughtering

It was narrated from ibn umar, that the prophet Muhammad abu baker and umar used to offer the id prayer before the khutbah.. Sahih Muslim@Hadith no.7@the book 📚 of two id prayer

It was narrated that umm ,attiyyah said, on the two id, the people (s. a.w ) commanded us to bring out the girls who had attained puberty and those who were in seclusion but he told menstruating woman to keep away from the Musallah of the Muslims. .sahih muslim@Hadith no.9@the book 📚 of two ed prayers

Abdullah bin Umar said, the messenger of Allah ( saw) stayed in Dhul-hulaifh overnight when starting his hajj ,and he prayed in its masjid..Sahih Muslim#Hadith no 23@the book of hajj

It was narrated that jabir said,the messenger of Allah (saw)said,whoever cannot find any sandals,let him wear khuff , and whoever cannot find an izar let him wear trousers.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.4@the book 📚 of hajj

Talhah bin ubaidullah from the prophet (s.a.w ) similar to the hadith of malik except that he said,,,the messenger of Allah(s.a.w)said,.he will succeed, by his father if he is speaking the truth,or he will enter paradise, by his father,if he is speaking the truth.. Sahih Muslim#The book of faith@hadith no.6 ,

It was narrated that maimunah said, the messenger of Allah (s.a.w)used to touch his wives from above the waist wrapper when they were menstruating.. Sahih Muslim#Hadith no.3@the book 📚 of menstrual periods