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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

Narrated Abu qatada Al Aslami, Allah apostle said,if anyone of you enter a masjid , he should pray to rak'at at before sitting. The book of Sahih bukhari #444

Narrated jarir, the prophet said to me during hajjat-al-wida, let the people keep quiet and listen, then he said (addressing the people) do not (become infidels) revert to disbelieve after me by striking the necks ( cutting the throats) of one another ( killing each other).. sahi bukhari Sharif #121

Narrated Salama, I heard the prophet saying, whoever (intentionally) ascribes to me what I have not said then (surely) let him occupy his seat in hel hell-fire.. sahi bukhari Sharif#109

Narrated Ali, the prophet said, do not tell a lie against me for whoever a lie against me then he will surely enter the hell fire.. sahi bukhari Sharif #106

Narrated Abu huraira, the prophet said, whoever performs Hajj to this ka'ba and does not s not approach his wife for sexual relations nar commit sins (while performing Hajj)he will come out as sinless as a newborn child,(just deliver by his mother). Sahi bukhari Sharif 18 20@the book of al- muhsar

Narrated Abu huraira, the prophet said, everyday two Angels come down from heaven and one of them says, O Allah compensate every person who spends in your case and The other angle says , O allah destroy every miser.. sahi bukhari Sharif#1442@the book of zakat

Narrated Abdullah bin Umar, the prophet said, a man keeps on asking others for something till the comes on the day of resurrection without any piece of flesh on his face.. sahih bukhari 1474@the book of zakat

Narrated Asma, the prophet said to me, do not with hold your money, Allah would with hold his blessings from you.. sahi bukhari Sharif #1433@the book of the zakat

Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah razi allahu anhu, Allah apostle said, may Allah mercy be on him how is lenient in his buying selling and in demanding back is money..Sahi bukhari Sharif# 2076

Narrated Abu huraira razi allahu tala the prophet said a time will come when one will not care how one gains one's money, legally or illegally.. sahi bukhari 2059#the book of sales

Narrated Abu sa'id, Allah apostle (pbuh) said,no zakat is due on property mounting to less than five uqiyas (of silver), and no zakat is due on less than five camels, and there is no zakat on less than five wasqs,(a wasqs equals 60 sa's) and (1sa=3k GM's app.) Sahih bukhari 1405#the book of zakat

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem, narrated IBN Mas'ud, I heard the prophet saying, there is no envy except in two,a person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it in the sight way, and a person whom Allah has given wisdom (i -e religious knowledge) and he gives his decisions accordingly and teachs it to the others.. sahih bukhari#1409@the book of zakat

Do they not think for themselves that God did not create the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them without reason determined propose, but many men reject the meeting with their Lord.. Surah al rum#ayat8@the Holy Quran.

Therefore evil was the end of those who did evil for the denied the signs of God and made fun of them. God originates creation, and then will revert it ,then you will go back to him.. so called when the evening comes and the day dawns.@ the Holy Quran@ Surah Al rum@ 10th, 11, 17,

when we ordained (Solomon's) death,none but the weevil, that was eating away his staff (on which he rested),pointed out to them that he was dead. when he fell down that the (dead) the jinns realised that if they had knowledge of the unknown they would never have suffered demeaning labour @the Holy Quran @Surah Al saba@verse 14.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu narrated sad sad if you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land do not interfere it but if plague breaks out in a place while you are in it do not leave that place Safari 5728 number odisha the book of medicine @nabi(pbuh) jab Tum sun lo kisi jagata Hun ki vah bewafa rahi hai to vahan mat jao lekin jab kisi jagah yah foot pade Tum vahin maujud Ho to is jagah se nikalo bhi mat assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Narrated Abdullah bin umar, Allah 'apostle (pbuh) said, anyone of you attending the Friday (prayer) should take a bath.sahih bukhari#877@the book of Al jumuah( Friday).//

There is a sign in the dead Earth for them which we quicken, and produce from it grain which they eat..we have laid out gardens of dates and grapes upon it, and made springs of water that they may eat of its fruit,yet it was not done by their hands,then why do they not acknowledge thanks,. Surah Al Yasin@verse@33,34,35@the holy Quran

Whatsoever dwells in the night and day belong to him.he is all hearing and all-knowing..surah Al anam@ayat13@the holy Quran

Whatsoever dwells in the night and day belong to him.he is all hearing and all-knowing..surah Al anam@ayat13@the holy Quran

Whatsoever dwells in the night and day belong to him.he is all hearing and all-knowing..surah Al anam@ayat13@the holy Quran

Give to woman their dowers willingly, but if they forego part of it themselves ,then use it to your advantage.surah Al nisa@ayat4@the holy Quran

We believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed to those before you, and are certain of the hereafter.. they have found the guidance of their Lord and will be successful.. Surah Al baqarah 4,5@the holy Quran

This is the book Free of doubt and involution,a guidence for those who preserve themselves from evil and follow the straight path..we believe in the unknown and fulfil devotional obligations, and spend in charity of what we have given them.surah Al baqarah @ayat2,3@the holy Quran