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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

Say,""have you considered,if your water was to become sunken (into the earth)then who could bring you flowing water..The holy quran #surah al Mulk#ayat no.30

Indeed,those who fear their lord unseen will have forgiveness and greate reward.The holy quran# surah al Mulk#ayat no.12

That is the bounty of allah which he gives to whom he wills,and allah is the prossessor of greate bounty.The holy quran #surah al jumuah#ayat no.4

Not equal are the companions of the fire and the companions of paradise .the companies of paradise -they are the attainers [of success).The holy quran#surah al hashr# ayat no.20

There will circulate among them young boys made eternal..The holy quran# surah al -waqiah #ayat no.17

The path of those upon who you have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked (your)anger or of those who are astray..The holy quran#surah al Fatihah #ayat no.7

Those are the ones of whom there will be the worst of punishment,and in the hereafter they are the greatest losers.The holy quran# surah al Namel#ayat no.5

And gathered for solomon were his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds, and they were (marching)in rows.The holy quran#surah al Naml#ayat no.17

But as for one who had repented, believe and done righteousness ,it is promised by allah that he will be among the successful.The holy quran# surah al qasas#ayat no.67

Who establish prayer and give zakah,and they of hereafter,are certain [in faith].The holy quran #surah al luqman#ayat no.4

It is he who shows you lightening ,(causing)fear and aspiration,and generates the heavy clouds..The holy quran#surah ar Rad# ayat no.12

And to allah prostrates whoever is within the heavens and the earth,willingly or by compulsion and their shadows (as well)in the morning and the afternoons..The holy quran# surah ar rad# ayat no.15

Indeed ,those who have believed and done righteous deeds indeed we will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.. The holy quran# surah al kahf# ayat no.30

But as for me,,he is allah ,my lord and i do not associated with my lord anyone..The holy quran #surah al kahf# ayat no.38

And that those who do not believe in the hereafter we have prepared for them a painful punishment..The holy quran# surah al isra# ayat no.10

And gathered for solomon were his soldiers of the jinn and men and birds,and they were [marching]in rows..the holy quran#surah an naml#ayat no.17

And they who carefully maintain their prayers ,those are the inheritors.who will inherit al firdaus . They will abide therein eternally..The holy quran# surah al muminun#ayat no.9,10,11

O mankined ,fear your lord ,indeed,the convulsion of the (final) hour is a terrible thing..The holy quran#surah al hajj#ayat no.1

And if you speak aloud then indeed ,he knows the secret and what is [even] more hidden..The holy quran#sura Ta-ha # ayat no.7

Jesus said,and indeed allah is my lord and your lord ,so worship him.that is a straight path..The holy quran#surah Maryam#ayat no.36

He has set down upon you, [O muhammad ]the book in truth confirming what was before it and he revealed the torah and the gospel..The hol quran #surah aal imran #ayat no.3

And allah is most knowing of your enemies,and sufficient is allah as an ally,and sufficient is allah as a helper..The holy quran# surah an nisa#ayat no.45

It is he who created you from clay and then decreed a term and specified time (known)to him, then (still)you are in dispute..The holy quran# sura al anam#ayat no.2

And if we give man a taste of mercy from us and then we withdaw it from him,indeed he is despairing and ungrateful..The holy quran#surah al hud#ayat no.9

With vessels ,pitchers and a cup [of wine]from a flowing spring..The holy quran# surah al waqiah #ayat no.18

Allah is subtle with his servants ,he give provisions to whom he wills .and he is the powerful the exalted in might..The holy quran# surah ash shura#ayat no.19

And [mention O muhammad]when ibrahim said to his father and his people indeed,i am disassociated from that which you worship..The holy quran#@ surah az zukhruf# ayat no.26

And how many a prophet we sent among the former peoples..The holy quran# surah az zukhruf# ayat no.6

Indeed,we sent it down during a blessed night indeed,we were to warn [mankined].The holy quran#surah ad dukhan# ayat no.3

Everyone upon the earth will perish,and there will remain the face of your lord,owner of majesty and honor..The holy quran#surah ar rahman #ayat no.26,27

Abiding eternally therein .the punishment Will not be lightened for them,nor will they be reprieved..The holy quran#surah baqarah #ayat no.162

He only orders you to evil and immorality and to say about allah what you do not know..The holy quran #surah baqarah# ayat no.169

But when he gave them from his bounty ,they were stingy with it and turned away while they refused..The holy quran #surah al Taubah#ayat no.76

And (mention,O muhammad )when ibrahim said,my lord make this city (makkah)secure and keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols..The holy quran # suah ibrahim #ayat no.35

And allah wants to lighten for you (your difficulties)and mankind was created weak..The holy quran# surah nisa# ayat no.28

And how many cities have we destroyed ,and our punishment came to them at night or while they were sleeping at noon..The holy quran#sura al Araf# #ayat no.4

The path of those upon whom you have bestowed favor,not of those who have evoked (your)anger or of those who are astray..The holy quran# surah al Fatihah# ayat no.7

It is you we worship and you we ask for help.Guide us to the straight path..The holy quran@surah al Fatihah#ayat no.5,6

(All)praise is (due)to allah ,lord of the worlds,the entirely merciful ,the especially merciful, sovereign of the day of recompense..The holy quran#surah al Fatihah#ayat no.2,3,4

And the sun runs (on course)toward its stopping point .that is the determination of the exalted in might,the knowing..The holy quran# surah al ya sin #ayat no.38

Does man not remember that we created him before ,while he was nothing..The holy quran # surah al Maryam#ayat no.67

That is paradise ,which we give as inheritance to those of our servants who were fearing of allah .The holy quran# surah al Maryam# ayat no.63

And landmarks,and by the stars they are (also)guided..The holy quran# surah al Nahl# ayat no.16

For those their refuge will be the fire because of what they used to earn..The holy quran# surah al yunus#ayat no.8

Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire,and they will be burned in a blaze ..the holy quran # surah nisa# ayat no. 10

How can you disbelieve in allah when you were lifeless and he brought you to life,then he will cause you to die, then he will bring you (back) to life,and then to him you will be returned.. the holy quran#surah al baqarah# ayat no.28

But ,allah mocks them and prolongs them in their transgression (while) they wander blindly..the holy quran# surah al baqarah# ayat no.15

It is he who created you from clay and then decreed a term and specified time (known) to him,then (still) you are in dispute.the holy quran ..surah an anam#ayat no.2

To allah is your return,and he is over all things competent.,,the holy quran#surah al hud# ayat no.4