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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

Say,o Lord,if I am made to see what has been promised them,then do not,o Lord,put me among the sinners.? the holy Quran#surah al- muminun.,ayat 93,94

It does not behove God to have a son.too immaculate is he . when he decrees a thing he has only to say; be it is.#the book of holy Quran#surah Maryam@ayat35

We gave Moses the book, and made it a guidence for the children of Israel that they should not take another protector apart from me.the book ofholy quran#surah Al kahf#ayat 2

We gave Moses the book , and made it a guidence for the children of Israel that they should not take another protector apart from me.the the holy quran@ surah Al-kahf .ayat 2

All that in the heavens and the earth sings the praises of God the king , the holy, omnipotent the wise.the the holy quran#surah al- jumuah.ayat 1

Narrated Abu huraira :Allah,s apostle Said, avoid the Mubiqat,i.e,shirk and witchcraft.sahih bukhari 5764

Narrated Abu mas'ud: the prophet forbade the utilization of the price of a dog, the earnings of prostitute and the earnings of a foreteller .sahih bukhari 5761

Narrated aisha; the prophet ordered me or somebody else to do ruqya surah Al nas and surah Al falaq (if there was danger from an evil eye).. Sahih bukhari 5738 (if there was danger from an evil eye.

Narrated Abu huraira;Allah, apostle said, neither messiah (ad-dajjal) nor plague will enter Medina. sahih bukhari 5731

Why should I not worship him who brought me into being, to whom you will be brought back in the end? should I take other Gods apart from him who would neither be able to intercede for me nor safe me if ar-rahman brings me harm?

Except those who do some wrong but afterwards do good to make up for the wrong.and I am forgiving and merciful.surah al-naml#ayat 11

Do they not see the earth how we grow all kinds of Noble thinks upon it? verily there are signs in this;yet many of them do not believe.surah-al-shuara#ayat 7,8

Just ponder over what you sow : do you give it it's increase,or are we the giver ? we could turn it,if we pleased, into straw ;then you would rue the day.the holy quran (surah Al waqiah)ayat 636465.

It does not behove God to have a son,too immaculate is he; when he decrees a thing he has only to say :be, and it is,#the holy quran (surah Al Maryam)ayat 35..

They deceive God and those who believe,yet deceive none but themselves although they do not know.the holy quran (surah Al baqarah ayat 9)

Narrated Abdullah bin amir:a man asked the prophet, what sort of deeds or Islam are good? the prophet replied to feed the poor and greet those whom you know and those whom do not know.sahih bukhari#12 the book faith(Hadith no 27)

Narrated Abu huraira: the prophet said, faith consists of more than sixty branches.and haya is a part of faith.sahih bukhari#9(book of faith)

O my son, whatsoever it may be, even though equal to a mustard seed in weight,or within a rock or in the sky or in the earth, God will bring it forth, verily is perceptive all-aware

We have committed Man about his parents.his mother carries him in her womb in weakness and debility, weaning him in two he should be grateful to me and his me is the journeying back.the holy quran#surah luqman 14.

When luqman counselled his son:my son do not associate any one with associate others with God is a grievous wrong.the holy quran#surah luqman 13.

Narrated Aisha:whenever Allah,s apostle went to bed ,he used to blow on his hands while reciting the suratal-falaq and suratal-an -nas and then pass his hands over his body. Sahih bukhari #6319/the book invocations .

Narrated ibne abbas:the prophet said, healing is in three things cupping, a gulp of honey or cauterization (branding with fire )but I forbid my followers to use cauterization .sahihbukhari #5681/the book medicine.

Narrated Ana's bin malik :Allah apostle said, (death from) plague is martyrdom for every Muslim. Sahihbukhari .the book medicine.

Narrated anas: the prophet said none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father,his children and all sahihbukhari 15.

Narrated Abu Musa: some people asked Allah apostle,whose Islam is the best,he replied, one who avoids harming the Muslim with his tongue and sahihbukhari 11.

Narrated ibn umar: Allah,s apostle Said: islam is based on five to testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah,s apostle .to offer the prayers dutifully and pay zakat . to perform Hajj to observe fast during the month of ramadan.sahahi bukhari#8 book of faith.

Narrated Abdullah bin amir, the prophet said,a Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslim with his tongue and hands.and a emigrant is the one who gives up all what Allah has forbidden. Sahih bukhari#10 the book of faith

Narrated Abdullah bin amir; the prophet said, Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslim with his tongue and hands.and a emigrant is the one who gives up all what Allah has forbidden.

Say o Muhammad peace be upon him ;he is Allah,one the self- sufficient master whom all creatures need ,he neither eats nor drinks.he begets not ,nor was he begotten.and there is non comparable unto him.