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Abu dawood #hadith no 1597# book of zakat

 Narrated by jabir bin abdullah  (RA) the messenger of allah  as saying a tenth is payable on what is watered by rivers and Brooks or from underground moisture and a twentieth on what is watered by draught camels..

As for your woman who have lost hope of menstruation, and in case you have a doubt, the prescribed period (of waiting) for them is there months,as also for those who have not menstruated for those who are pregnant, their prescribed period is until the delivery of the child, God will make things easy for him who is mindful of God. Surah Al talaq@ayat4@the holy Quran

All praise be to God who created the heavens and the earth, and ordained darkness and light.yet unbelievers make the others equal of their is he who created you from clay then determined a term (of life) for you, and a term (is fixed) with him.even then you doubt... Surah Al anam@ayat1,2@the holy Quran

We bestowed wisdom on luqman that he may be grateful to god.whosoever is grateful is so for his own good.and whosoever is ungrateful (Should remember)that god is above all concern worthy of praise .surah al luqman@Ayat 12@We let them enjoy themselves only for a while then we shall drag them to a sever punishment .surah luqman @Ayat 24@The holy quran

Why do you worship Satan,O father, verily Satan was disobedient to ar-rahman..O my father, I fear lest a punishment from ar-rahman should befall you, and you should become a friend of the devil., surah Al Maryam@ayat44,45@the holy Quran

I call to witness the fig and the olive, the mount sinai, and this soil secure, that we created man of finest possibilities,then brought him down to the lowest of the low, except those who believe and do the right, for whom there is reward undiminished.. Surah Al tin@the holy Quran

Man we fashioned from fermented Clay dried tingling we fashioned jinns before from intense radiated heat.. but when your Lord said, to the angels, I am verily going to create a human being from fermented Clay dried tingling hard.. Surah Al hijr@ayat26,27,28@the holy Quran

How can I have a son,o Lord, he said, when my wife is barren and I am old and decrepit,.(the angel) answered,thus will it be your Lord said, this is easy for me, for when I brought you into being you were nothing..surah Al Maryam 8,9@the holy Quran

O believers, you should not be usurp unjustly the wealth of each other but trade by mutual consent, and do not destroy yourselves.god is merciful to you..if someone does so through oppression or injustice.we shall cast him into hell.this is how (The law of) God works inevitably.surah Al nisa @ayat29,30@the Holy Quran

Narrated Abu Mas'ud Al Ansari, whenever Allah apostle ordered us to give in charity, we used to go to the market and work as porters and get a Mudd (a special measure of grain) and then give it in charity.(those were the days of poverty) and today some of us have one hundered thousand.sahih bukhari 1416@the book of zakat

Narrated jarir bin Abdullah, I gave the pledge of allegiance to the prophet for offering prayer perfectly giving zakat,and giving good advice to every muslim.sahih bukhari 1401@the book of zakat

Narrated Adi bin hatim heard the prophet saying,save yourself from hell-fire even by giving half a date fruit in charity.sahih bukhari 1417@the book of zakat

Narrated salama, we used to pray the maghrib prayer with the prophet when the sun disappeared from the horizon.sahih bukhari 561@the book of the times of as-salat.

Narrated Abdullah bin amir,a person asked Allah apostle, what (sort of) deeds in or (what qualities of) Islam are good, he replied, to feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you don't know.. sahih bukhari 28@the Book of faith

Narrated aisha, the prophet used to learn on my lap and recite Quran while I was in menses.sahih bukhari 297@the book of menses

Narrated Abu huraira, the prophet said, the signs of a hypocrite are three,1 whenever he speaks, he tells a lie,2 whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise)3if you trust him, he proves to be dishonest (if you keep something as a trust with him, he will not return it.sahih bukhari 33

Narrated Abu huraira, Allah apostle said, two words which are dear to the beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say) but very heavy in weight in the balance.they are subhan Allah wa-bi-hamdihi and subhan Allah al-azim..the book of tauhid@sahih bukhari 7563

Narrated sahl, Allah apostle said, I and the one who looks after an orphan will be like this in paradise showing his middle and index fingers and separating them.. the book of divorce@sahih bukhari 5304

Narrated aisha, Allah apostle, used to offer the asr prayer when the sunshine had not disappeared from my chamber.. the book of the time of as salat 544@sahih bukhari

Narrated Al mughira bin shuba, I help the prophet in performing ablution and he passed his wet hands over his khuffs and prayed.. The book of as salat 388@sahih bukhari

Narrated aisha, the prophet used to start everything from the right (for good things) whenever it was possible in all his affairs for example,in washing, combing,or wearing shoes.. the book of as salat#sahih bukhari 426

Narrated aisha, whenever the prophet took a bath after janaba he started by washing his hands and then performed ablution like that for the prayer. After that he would put his fingers in water and move the Roots of his hair with them and then pour there handfuls of water over his head and then pour water all over his body.. the book of ghusl#sahih bukhari 248

Narrated aisha, the prophet said, fever is from the heat of hell so abade with water.. The book of sahih bukhari 5725@narrated sa'd, I heard Allah's apostle saying,whoever takes seven ajwa dates in the morning will not be affected by magic or poison on that day.. sahih bukhari 5779

Verily we shall have fetters with us, and a roaring furance..and food that will stick in the throat , and painful torment..on the day the earth and mountains will rock violently،and the mountains turn to a heap of poured- out sand.surah Al muzzammal ayat 12,13,14@the holy Quran

I call to witness the sun and his early morning splendour.and the moon as The follows in his wake.the day when it reveals his radiance.the night when it covers him over.the heavens and its architecture.the Earth and its spreading out.surah Al shams1,2,3,4,5,6.. the holy Quran

Was there not a time in the life of man when he was not even a mentionable time.verily we created man from a sperm yoked (to the ovum) to bring out his real substance then gave him hearing and sight.surah al-insan ayat1,2@the holy Quran

Verily this Quran directs you to the path that is straight and gives tidings to those who believe and do the right for them is a great reward.ayat9#as for those who do not believe in the hereafter we have prepared a painful punishment.ayat10#surah al- kahf@the holy Quran

Verily this Quran directs you to the path that is straight and gives tidings to those who believe and do the right for them is a great reward.ayat9#as for those who do not believe in the hereafter we have prepared a painful punishment.ayat10#surah al- kahf@the holy Quran

Verily this Quran directs you to the path that is straight and gives tidings to those who believe and do the right for them is a great reward.ayat9#as for those who do not believe in the hereafter we have prepared a painful punishment.ayat10#surah al- kahf@the holy Quran

Those who devour the possession of the orphans unjustly devour only fire, and will surely burn in hell.surah Al nisa@ayat10@the holy Quran